Monday, September 12, 2011

A Talk on Mind-Matter Interaction

Discussion on Mental Intention at the Rhine Institute by Pamela Heath

I was cruising around youtube, as always, and ran across some interesting videos in a friend of mine’s ‘favorites’ list.  It’s about Telekinesis, or more specifically dubbed, ‘Mind-Matter Interaction’.  Anyways, it turned out to be a very interesting series.  As you know the boundaries that science places around us are mostly illusionary, but the videos go through and explain many phenomena I’ve never heard before, and forced me to expand my thinking quite a bit.

The videos host is Pamela Heath, a parapsychologist who has a few books, mostly dealing with the afterlife and Psychokinesis.  It is just her talking while ‘trying’ to run a slideshow, but these videos are easily worth the watch.  It’s about an hour long divided into 5 parts, and I’ve watched these twice.  A little note, headphones seemed to allow for better sound quality.

Hope you enjoy!

Well?  What did you think?

I mean, it’s not super entertaining with her just standing there, though I did think the cartoons were a good touch.  Mostly though, the manifestation and duplication of matter definitely caught my attention.  Also about the fire immunity, I thought the story about the man being burnt at the stake, chanting to repel fire was very interesting.  Oh, and the story about the Raindance!

It was all really good to me.  Very informative and enlightening.  Definitely have to put on my thinking cap after watching it.

Almost forgot.  Here are two of her books on Telekinesis.

The PK Zone
Mind-Matter Interaction

The videos here were a promotion for the second book, Mind-Matter Interaction, which I’m going to get as soon as I can.  Hopefully it will be as good and as informative as the videos were.

Anyways, comment and tell me what you think.

Till Next Time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stumbling Blocks while Developing Telekinesis

Common problems while Learning Telekinesis

There are many hurdles to overcome when one starts developing the skill of Telekinesis.  As I am still facing many challenges as I pursue this path, and I figured I would highlight some of these that have recently crossed my path.  Some of these may be universal, while others are purely personal, but each are important to overcome.  As I am discovering, this path is mostly about disciplining and honing the self, not only to become a force of focus, but to use that focus to reach heights of freedom.


Self reflection is an important part of Developing Telekinesis as well as general mental, emotional and even in some cases physical health.  Much of self reflection is given; you sit and reflect on the who’s, what’s why’s, when’s and even how’s that revolve around yourself.  But most importantly, it allows you to understand yourself.  This is also a given, but the why it’s so important may be a bit more elusive.  In short, understanding yourself allows you to understand why the other things in your life trip you up.

An example more recently highlighting how some self reflection has benefited me comes from me trying to work out a theory on why Telekinesis would spike in success occasionally, and why other times it would dive into the trenches of failure.  I tossed and turned on the idea a bit, thinking about what could cause such random behavior in my results.  I had recently read some things about the subconscious mind, and how the two minds are a bit different.  Such as, you can hold a conscious belief about something, but subconsciously, you may believe something different, or even contrary.

But the subconscious mind, like the conscious mind, can and does fluctuate from time to time.  So I hypothesized that maybe my subconscious mind, during my moments of success, was getting on board with the idea, and lifted me up and I saw results.  Whereas at other times, it may be set against me, and I saw failure.  So, I thought, that makes sense, maybe I should then try and get in touch with my subconscious a little more, and help start a more consistent dialog.

Whenever I think of getting something across to my subconscious, I almost instantly think hypnosis.  It is notorious for getting suggestions beyond the conscious mind’s blockade and to the subconscious.  So I looked up some self hypnosis to see what I could find that may help me out a little.  The last time I looked up these videos, I wasn’t impressed, but I still thought to give the ones I was about to watch a good healthy try.  After going through a few that weren’t effective, I had finally found one, that when followed, showed significant promise.

The message was to relax deeply, let the stress melt away, and open up a willingness to learn.  The effects were so profound on me, that for hours after, I could feel my body and energy buzzing.  The days that followed began to show more results as well as a more fluent feel to them.  When results started to dwindle, I did a meditation in the form of the self hypnosis, and results would begin to return.  Not only did this show results in my Psychokinesis, but also elsewhere in my daily life.  I was more calm, comfortable and keen.  I felt stronger and smarter and more able all around.  After a week or so of this though, things began to slip back to the way they where previously, but I persisted.  Then all a sudden, this sudden surge (Metaphorical) passed through me, and I found myself smarter and stronger then I had been before.

I felt strong and capable, and I was forming fluent, witty and creative sentences faster then I ever had before, and my results with Telekinesis had more then jumped, as well as my understanding.  I was pulling words out of nowhere, that I didn’t even know I knew, and were using them in ways I didn’t realize worked.  If you knew me personally before this time, you would know my behavior did an almost a 180.  I was usually very shy, not outgoing, and I got tongue-tied on most any question that came my way.  Thinking and talking where very much weak points for me when I was around company.  But then I found myself leaping into these things with both feet.  My mind moved so quickly and efficiently, I often could leave those who used to leave me behind in conversations, in the dust.

This lasted for several days, and while it lasted, I could see the world so much more clearly.  I was even able to see errors in theories by my mentors that I previously  couldn’t even wrap my head around.  Then yesterday, sadly it came to an abrupt end.  I awoke to find my head so dull and foggy I couldn’t think straight.  I actually couldn’t even read straight either.  Some of this article was written yesterday too, and I had to stop because I was having a hard time remembering what it was I was trying to write, and then formulate it into a sentence in which would portray what I meant, fittingly.  I mostly focused yesterday on trying to relieve as much of the stress I seemed to be under as possible.  Mostly physical, like eyes, neck, back and head.  Today feels much better though.

But, as you can see, self reflection led from my question of ‘why’ to a theory (Subconscious), to testing that theory with practice (Self hypnosis), to a unexpected finding (Stress relief), which led to a result (Psychokinesis results, more confidence, felt stronger and smarter).


This is a stumbling block I have recently befell that had hindered any further development in Telekinesis for me.  Resonance in short is when two, same vibrations come together to create a greater force.  An example could come from the above in self reflection, that if I was right about the subconscious being involved, then my conscious belief, and subconscious belief created a resonance that sparked the result.

Recently this has been a pretty big issues for me.  I mentioned in my last post about how a supportive community can be of great help, and it can.  But recently I have ran into an issue that caused me a bit of an unexpected problem.  You see, as I have mentioned, I have come from a background of magick.  And though I wouldn’t say I practiced it a lot, I did sort of fall in love with it a bit (Mind you, I was fairly young).  I grew somewhat attached to certain terms that are fairly basic to be honest, and I don’t really wish to part with them.  But the community that I am apart of is very new-age, and uses the quantum physics terminology a lot, such as Consciousness.  Consciousness has more or less taken the place of Soul or Spirit in the new-age community.  And though my research into their definition and meaning of the words aligns pretty well with mine for Soul, I still had some weird problems that emerged.

To keep this fairly short, the community there collects a lot of information, and this information often comes from the cutting edge of science, and right now, the best place to look for the most modern explanations for Telekinesis is quantum physics.  So the information collected uses these kinds of terms, and the theories and evidence shared there are also discussed in these kinds of terms.  Over time and after being exposed to these terms for a fairly long time, I realized there was apart of me that felt as if I should leave behind the old way of thinking and embrace the new way.

As this began to occur, I felt more distant from what I believed in, and what I was trying to do.  This is called Dissonance, and it literally means an inconsistency between action and what you believe.  But they’re just terms!  Just words used to describe the meaning.  Why was it that when I thought about the Soul as, the Soul, I felt better about the idea then when I thought about it as consciousness?  Honestly, I’m not sure, my only hypothesis at the moment is that over my younger years, the term Soul had a chance to grow and become something with strong meaning within me, and I learned to identify that part of me with that word.  So when a new word came along that meant the same thing, it doesn’t have the same effect because it hasn’t had time to establish any real meaning for me.

This could also be applied to just about anything.  Your view of the world, the structure, a certain belief in how something works, or even a certain practice or ritual.  I believe that these words, or beliefs cause such reactions within because they resonate with us.  And because of that, we shouldn’t need to change them, we just need to allow them to become fertile ground for new knowledge to grow.

I decided to add resonance into this article because I felt there may be others who believe that they can, but are having a hard time connecting with what they are learning.  It may be a dissonance.  Perhaps some self reflection may help you discover what does resonate with you and eliminate the dissonance.  Even if it’s a slight, or large shift.  Wherever you feel the most at home, is where the most results will lie.

Letting Go

Letting go implies getting rid of disbeliefs, doubts, fears, stress, thinking patterns and things that may hinder your progress in general.  It is also unfortunately easier said then done.  I grew up most of my life in a fairly stressful environment.  Thankfully it wasn’t physically abusive, but nonetheless, lots of yelling, lots of family problems, financial problems, etc.  This seems to have become the norm for most households nowadays.  I’m not sure how it has come to this, but alas, it has.

Since I grew up in this kind of life, I became very used to stress.  This is not to say I have learned to handle it well, oh no, quite the contrary in-fact.  It has actually proved to be one of the biggest hurdles in my life.  One to this day, I am still facing.  Worse yet is how because I am so used to stress, the absence of stress will actually cause me stress, for fear of what stress filled situation might be lurking right around the corner that will disrupt this moment of perceived peace.  Not sure if that made sense or not, I hope it did.

But armed with a little knowledge and experience, I have come to understand that I can actually change my life.  So how does one let go?  This answer again is probably best answered with some self reflection, but for me it starts with a little meditation.  To sum up the meditation, I just sit, focus my mind lightly on something, then using a peripheral awareness, relax my muscles and specifically my mind.  I try and open up my mind, to wide spaces.  Create room inside so as to have a bit of freedom and breathing room.  I try to keep my mind open as such throughout the day, and not let daily concerns or doubts enter this space.

Always in a positive light, with a touch of logic, this becomes a little easier with time.  What I mean is, when I open my mind, and try and create some breathing room within, I do so while I relax my muscles a bit, and try and understand that all is well.  Any perceived concerns are actually rubbish, and within me are the tools readily available to tackle each problem as they arise.  Considering most doubts, concerns and fears spur up because we in-fact don’t believe we are strong or capable enough to handle them, and therefore we unintentionally inflate them.  I also try and couple this with a strong sense of self.  I focus again lightly on myself in a positive and strong manner.  Much like looking into a mirror at yourself, and liking what you see, but in this case, also what you feel.  Get a comfort for yourself.

This process has helped me achieve some self worth, and to me, that is very important.  Because once I am better able to understand my own self worth, I will feel better about myself, stronger, faster, smarter and more willing to stand on my feet and try to get the things I want to see in my life, and have the confidence to do it.

Always keep some awareness of yourself in your mind.  Strong, positive and free.

Proper Focus

Focus is a common property in Telekinesis, and if one wants to develop the skill, proper focus is important.  I am somewhat of a literal person.  Ironically, I may take what others say literally, but I often implore metaphors and examples in my explanations.  I feel it is because I miss important parts of something because I take an explanation literally, or at face value.

Proper focus requires no stress.  Do not strain to focus, try not to let your muscles tense up, try not to push objects around with your eyes, which is something I sometimes try and do, and now my eyes hurt.  A friend and mentor of mine once said, I have to get away from the muscle-mind frame of thinking.  In essence, what he meant was that we are so used to using force to get things, that when it comes to moving objects around with Telekinesis, we often try to use force.

So if we can’t try and use force, at least in the muscle sense, then how do we get it to move?

I have found Telekinesis to be, quite strange.  One definitely needs to take a step away from conventional thinking in order to get somewhere with it.  And admittedly, one’s own personal belief on how it works probably plays an important role in how effective one is with it.  Especially if you are pretty sure on how, even if it is mostly based in gut-instinct or impression then it is in words and sentences.

But using some of what I have already went over in this post, I will try and explain a little on how I focus.  As stated, I relax to the best of my ability, clear and open my mind.  Place a peripheral awareness on myself, and try and feel positive and strong, even self-sufficient from within.  I try not to focus on any single part of me, but let my whole self be as one, comfortably.  The majority of my focus goes to the object, and in this empty space in my mind, I let the object enter.  Once inside, if I have cleared my mind right, and not let little free radical thoughts enter in also, I begin to let go of myself, slightly, and allow in a sense, for the definition of myself to change, and include to some degree the object, and my environment.

At this point I am mostly trying to explain impressions I get while doing it, so bear with me.  Sometime after it has entered the open area of my mind, I begin to get a feel for it.  A sense of it, kind of like we are connected, or maybe a sense of closeness, like we are physically near each other.  At this point, I try and intend for something to occur.  Like, if it’s a psi-wheel, I used this sense of closeness to help establish a conviction in what I am doing, and use that conviction to apply a sense of movement or pressure to one of the sides of the psi-wheel to get it to move.

Now, did you note that I said pressure?  This one I actually stumbled upon by accident.  I wish I could explain to you how I came about this, but somehow I have managed to learn how to perceive pressure being applied to an object, without getting stressed or strained over it.  The best way I can say how, is even though you are connected to the object, you sort of detach yourself from it at the same time.  Maybe emotionally, so you don’t have the desperation for a result looming over you.  When I perceive this pressure, or movement, I do so in a manner as if I was merely an observer, watching it occur, but just so happen to be able to feel it occur at the same time.

That is probably the best I can do to describe it.  I hope that made sense to you.

In closing, as you can see most of the stumbling blocks are related to one another.  One hurdle can blur into another one, so be careful.

Remember to stay positive, I would even say almost in an aloof kind of way.  And I hope this helps you in Developing Telekinesis.

Till Next Time!