Monday, November 30, 2009

Lifestyle of Telekinesis


I decided to add this post because I felt the subject was hardly ever touched. Throughout my posts, I often repeated myself, and that was usually because it had meaning. I sort of stressed as well, that this journey would change the way you view the world, and how you interact with it. But, no one seems to touch on that aspect, so I figured I would make sure you understood.

This isn’t something for the faint of heart. If you where looking for a technique to do it instantly, keep looking. If you came here for information, I hope you found what you where looking for, though I still suggest to everyone to not let your search end here. If you are actively searching, then you are actively expanding your mind.

Quick Recap

I went over here some of the Subconscious Mind, and it’s power, as well as some of how it works and operates. I went over Quantum Physics some, and tried to show you how the world works in conjunction with your mind. In Meditation, I went over a little on how you can help reprogram your mind, as well as delve into your inner-self. In Perception, I tried to convey the importance of how one perceives the world around them, and how this is important to know. In Tools, Tips & Techniques, I tried to explain some ways to help you on your way.

A lot of these things blend together. As I’m sure you noticed, in many posts, some of what I was talking about seemed very similar to another post. It’s because these things work together.

Anyways, on to how your life might change.


Changes vary from person to person, but I’ll go over some changes that might happen with you.


Many notice as they get further along in it, that their mental capacities seem to heighten. They are able to think more clearly and efficiently. As well as a more fluent understanding of what’s going on around them. Able to process information faster, and work problems more easily. Their focus is often sharper as well, and they aren’t as easily distracted.


Many experience emotional stability, where they feel more emotionally comfortable and at peace. They find that they have more control over which emotions they feel and can pick and choose which emotions to experience at any given time. They find themselves less likely to react emotionally when someone tries to provoke a reaction from them as well. They’re able to maintain a calm disposition.


Many physical changes seems to bring about after one becomes more in tune with one’s self. Many feel physically stronger, and can endure more through stamina. They also feel more healthy. Many even state that healing faster is often common. They seem more impervious to illnesses, or even able to reduce the duration of an illness in half, if caught at all.


An obvious trait would be feeling more energized. Many acknowledge that their bodies are storing more energy, and they have more energy readily available for them. As well as being able to tap into the energy around them and pulling it in. As well as being more sensitive to the movements of energy around them, as like in people, and the environment.

So those are some of the changes you can expect. People are inherently different, so some of the changes you may experience may not line up with what I’ve listed above. You may have your own experiences, in your own time.

It’s very much a lifestyle you take on, and it ends up intergrading into your life and changing how you view things, how you interact, and even how you act and think. But, it’s not like your life will do a 180. Many things will likely stay the same. Such as many of the same shows and movies you like to watch. Much of the same music. Many of the same games. Many of the same people. You’ll still think about bills, and go to work, you will still have your daily life. It’s just you will view and interact with it differently, maybe, with more control.

The destination is well worth the road traveled. If you stick to it, you will notice just how strong you are, and how much control and power over your own life, as well as others, that you have. The path will not be easy, but if you try to enjoy the journey itself, you may find the road that much more smooth.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope you find what you’re looking for…

Till next time.

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