Thursday, November 19, 2009

Telekinesis and Perception

Your Awareness of Perception

Note: [This is an old post I decided not to rewrite when I began to rewrite this blog. It has similarities to my previous post. But does retain enough of a message I figured I could leave most of it alone.
So, on with the show.]

Lets talk for a moment about perception and awareness. What are you aware of? Most of all? Something often used in this field paranormal studies, or metaphysical research, or what ever you want to call it. Psionics. You'll quickly find that your perception is key to everything you do. So, how do you look at the world?


Awareness accounts for at least one-third of your total result when it comes to Telekinesis. In other words what you see, and how you see it/experience it make up the building blocks of your life. You ever hear "People are products of their pasts"? If you haven't, then you have now. It literally means the way you where raised, shapes the way you think and behave today. In fact, this can go so deep that if you look really closely at what you think about, what ideas you come up with, and how you structure them. Then look at the roots on where each of these pieces came from, you could then see most of your ideas, the pictures in your mind, where all scripted long ago, likely based off your parents.

Think about it this way. Take authors, just about every story type out there has been done before. Why? Because we build off each other. Have you ever read something, which sparked an idea? Almost an epiphany? For me it happens all the time, but, one day an epiphany hit me which is the subject of this article. My thought or idea, was stimulated by someone else's idea. When I begin to trace my ideas back, I began to notice, one way or another, they all where linked to something else.

Awareness and perception run along the same vein, but I wont say there the same thing. Why I bring up awareness is, it is important to be aware of what you can do. An often used term in Psionics is programming. And it works for Psi-balls, to tell them what to do, and it also refers to people's minds. The subconscious mind, will absorb small amounts of information usually over looked by the conscious mind. Much like taking in a subliminal message. Yet our minds are bombarded with these subliminal messages day in and day out, for years and years. You can see how it can add up.

A good quick example would be taking two words and comparing them. Let's use Fear as one, and Love as the other. In the news, emails, on the street, at work, everywhere for that matter. How often do you run into the word Fear, or words like it in your average day? I can't answer that for you, but I can guess, a lot. Even if you aren't aware of it, they're there. Also, it may not be words, but expressions, or signs, or feelings. Your mind picks up on them all. Now, how about Love? Not to worry, 'Love' and words related are there too. But, if you take a good look, there are much fewer expressions and words out there that express Love, or peace, or joy.

These things shape your awareness, and often, the more negativity you absorb subconsciously, the more your mind tries to shut them out, as it instinctively knows that, the negative will do you no good, and your awareness begins to close some walls to protect you. Your mind, or higher-self as some call it, only have your best interests at heart, and will do what it can to protect you.


These things also shape your perception, and how you view the world. Eventually, being bombarded with such negativity begins to impact your outlook, and soon you yourself begin to view the world in the same grayish light that your awareness began to pick up on, probably since your birth. You perception of the world shapes it around you. Good example would be, your work, or your job. People raised by hard working parents often end up working hard themselves. You're parents might have said hard work is the only honest work, or is the only right work, or something to that effect. Yet every now and then, depending on the parent. You will then hear them complain about work. How it's tough, or they hate their boss. These are all cues you pick up on. And eventually you follow in the same steps. Working hard for someone else. Then hating your job or boss, and not changing jobs. Do you see where the product of your past comes in here?

But it doesn’t end there.

In Telekinesis, in any kind of psychic work, you almost have to begin viewing the world in a different light. For instance, in my last few posts, I talked about the world as you see it as energy, and consciousness. Well, that’s pretty much how you would change your perspective on the world.

It’s a fairly simple concept really, though difficult to implement. Where everything is made up of energy and consciousness, brought to a perfect, distinct hum through vibrations and packed with information, it gives you the ability to understand better what you are working with, and therefore change it through the use of knowledge, energy and consciousness. It’s the simple act of looking out into the world and seeing it for what it really is. And don’t mean it will change to something like the Matrix, where everything becomes 1’s and 0’s. You will still see the world in the colors and hues and shapes and sizes as before, but you will also notice that you understand what’s taking place under the surface.

It comes down to a matter of realizing it, and implementing what you know into your daily life. Everyone learns, no one ever stops learning. It’s those who take what they learn and make the most use of it that you see go far.

I know I’ve gained a lot of facts about life over the years, and often shelve them away and never make use of them. Only to stumble upon a problem where if I had used that fact and took it more seriously, I could have avoided. Most information is passed down, and it’s passed down for good reason. It’s important to know, to help those to come, not make the same mistakes. Though, most information is slightly tainted, with insinuation, or even a grudge, such as the analogy above about work. Hard work is good, it often pays off. There would be the information passed down. But it often is followed by what you see or hear later in regards to that hard work, where it’s frustrating or your boss pisses you off. Then that information becomes tainted.

The Pattern forms that Hard work is good, but it goes hand in hand with frustration, anger, or even injury. Which isn’t entirely true. The world is what you make of it, it’s how you perceive it to be. Just make sure you take the information that would be beneficial to you, and weed out the subtle influences that might stain that piece of information so the two don’t run together.

Become aware of what’s going on around you, and be aware of influences that might infect you. If you do, and take action, it will shape your perception to be a brighter one. Which in turn can then bring the law of attraction into play. And if you’re ever confused, follow your heart. It sounds cheesy, but it will likely know what to do by instinct.

I hope you enjoyed this post,

Till next time

1 comment:

  1. This is more descriptive to see influences on life and TK and how you would see the world. I tell ya this is 100% true for me. Believe it or not. Now my training should go much more fairly well for understanding this much more than before!
