Tools, Tips & Techniques
Now that we’ve gone through some of the information needed in order for you to do Telekinesis, it’s time for us to get into how it’s done. It should be understood before you begin, that everyone is different in their journey of Telekinesis. Each person takes his or her own steps in their own manner. This is your journey, and you should treat it as such.
It won’t happen in a day, or maybe even in a few weeks. It’s something you must make apart of you in its own time. It is also something you should add your own touch to. The tips and techniques I provide here should be adapted to the person using them, to his or her own personality. You don’t have to follow them to the letter and probably shouldn’t. Add your own spin to it if you like. Get creative, think outside the box. It will help in the long run.
So, let’s begin.
1.) If you ever find yourself stuck, and not sure what to do… Follow your Heart. It might sound cheesy to some of you, but you might be surprised at how much your body and mind knows, that your head just can’t get. Your body and mind react to everything you do. So, if you keep having trouble with something, and your Heart keeps hinting you to go in one direction. Try it. Even if it may seem odd or outlandish at the time. Above all, Follow your Heart. Chances are your heart led you to Telekinesis in the first place.
2.) If you find yourself Frustrated, which will likely happen. Stop and take a breather, or even call it for the day and just pick up tomorrow. Your mood can greatly impact your results. If you feel any kind of negativity passing through you, just stop, gather yourself, try and change your mood and frame of thinking back to something more positive, then try again. If you find that no matter what you do, your frustration wont leave you, just call it quits for that day. You can always pick it back up again tomorrow, and you might be in a better mood then.
3.) When practicing, try to shoot from anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour a day. You can continue past if you feel up to it, but you don’t need to. At anytime that you feel a headache coming on, stop for that day. It means you are stressing your mind to much, for something it isn’t used to yet. If your schedule is busy, you can meld it into your day, a few minutes at a time throughout the day. I recommend doing both though if you can help it.
4.) Don’t give up. Any technique that you decide to try, whether it be something your heart recommended or some technique you picked up from someone else, try it for several days. Give it a good thorough try before you decide it’s not right for you. Eventually you will find something that works for you.
5.) Lastly, sort of a continuation of number 4, Don’t give up. Telekinesis can take a long time to get down. It’s very much a game of hit and miss. You will probably try many different tactics in your time, trying to find what’s right for you. There are a lot of different ways to do it. Each person has there own method, most often it’s something they discovered themselves. Those who can do it, went through all the same mess you will in the beginning as well. You will never achieve it if you give up. Time and perseverance are your greatest weapons. Be Patient and have strength in yourself to carry on. It’s very important.
There are many different tools commonly used in Telekinesis to get the ball rolling. You can easily get creative if you want. But the main principles are Light, and Low Friction. The lighter and lower the friction, the easier it is to move it. Again, a reminder is, just because it’s light and low friction doesn’t mean it will be easy. You are trying to get your mind to do something it hasn’t tried before and therefore it isn’t used to. So be patient as you try to awaken that part of you.
The Psi-Wheel is quite possibly the most common tool for Telekinesis. All you need in a small, square piece of paper, a pin, and a stand in which you can stick the pin through, to hold it straight upright. Take the piece of paper, and fold it diagonally, from corner to corner. Do it again with the other corners, you should have the creases shaped like an [X], from corner to corner. Next, flip it over, and fold it across from side to side, only once each side. It should look like [+]. Then flip it back over and balance it on the pin evenly. It should be able to spin if you tap it. And there you have a Psi-wheel.
A pendulum is very different from a psi-wheel. As it is just a weighted object that is hung from a thread. But, you want to get something that’s still fairly light. Something that is heavy enough to way down the thread, but nothing too heavy. Then you either tie the thread to something stationary, where it can hang and not be bothered, or create a stand if you like, which can be made from a box, or anything you might find lying around that can hold it up with some room to spare. If you decide to tie it in a stationary area, make sure it’s in a position that you can work with it comfortably, and wont be bothered by traffic in your room or else where.
If the psi-wheel is the most popular, then the psi-ball comes in at a close second. Most who play around with Telekinesis, will at least give the psi-ball a try, and often stick with it when they get better at it. Since out of all the tools, the psi-ball not only a great one, but it’s the only tool that you will continue to use throughout your days. Also, it is the most versatile. It, when you get good at it, can be adjusted to do just about anything.
The Psi-Ball is more of an exorcise, but still should be noted. You can do this anywhere at anytime, but for the sake of the example, I will describe it in a casual fashion.
You sit comfortably in your room, and begin to meditate on the energy flowing through you. When you feel ready and can feel the energy in you, you place your hands in front of your chest, much like you where holding a small ball. Then focus your energy up, into your shoulders, then into your arms, and down into your hands, and slowly into the space between your hands. While it’s there, you visualize it taking the shape of a ball. Try and feel it melding into a round sphere. As you practice, you can learn to change it’s shape, or texture, or size. It’s very versatile.
A Psi-Ball is something called a construct. A construct is energy programmed to do something specific. In this case you programmed the energy to take the shape of a ball. Your visualizations and intentions are programming the energy, it’s pretty simple on paper.
The Psi-Ball exorcise helps your visualizations, your interaction with energy, focusing your intentions and directing your energy as well as programming it. You can see why so many like the psi-ball. When you get better, you can make it do a lot of different stuff besides just taking the shape of a ball. You should research Constructs, it will give you a better idea of how versatile they really are. I suggest psipog, they have a lot of good stuff.
Ah, so we’ve finally made it to techniques. Although I’m sure many of you where waiting for this, or some of you might have even skipped ahead to here, alas, I don’t know “The most awesome technique to rule them all” or any one hit wonders, where you learn it and can do it. Because of that, and also as I’ve mentioned above, that there are many ways to do it, I will give you a few techniques I’ve heard and tried to get you started. In the end though, I suggest you just take the basics of what’s mentioned here and adapt them to your own style, and what feels right to you. Make sure to make them your own.
Connect and Tell - Color Coding
As I’ve discussed previously, everything has it’s own signature. It’s a Vibratory fingerprint. I doubt I can describe perfectly how one would connect to your target object. But I do know some things that have helped.
I ran across a method a while back that actually helped me some in the beginning. He told me to Color Code it. Visualize both, (In this case, let’s assume the Psi-Wheel) you and the wheel the same color, and through this color, you are connected. It just makes the process a little more easy in some cases.
Effectively, you are trying to see that object as apart of you. When you move, it moves with you, when you breath, you breath for it too. Really try and see it as apart of you. Like it’s an actual limb. Try and flex it and see it flex like a muscle, feel it flex, if you can. Acknowledge it as apart of you.
Once you feel as if you have a real connection with it, try and move it as you would any other limb.
The name might sound strange, but it was simple to sort of convey the meaning of this Technique. If you can, try and visualize and feel strings of energy attached to the Psi-wheel and it‘s energy, and then gently pull on them in any given direction. Effectively try and puppet the psi-wheel around.
Push in Pull is the basics of telekinesis. Most people picture it as a force that they learn to push out or pull in. There not far off. There are a number of ways, but I would suggest connecting to the target first. Once connected, where it feels distinctly apart of you. (you’ll know when it happens) you merely visualize a force that pushes from your hand onto the psi-wheel. Much like how a magnet can repel another magnet. Try to feel this occurring. If you want to pull it, do the same thing, but try to feel a sensation of pulling.
Activating Potential
Again Connect with the object, and try and feel it. Understand as it rests upon the pin, it has potential to move in any direction. It is made of energy, so therefore it’s full of energy, right? Well, concentrate on it, and try to focus your intention on activating it’s potential energy, and turning it into kinetic energy, then making that kinetic energy turn or move a curtain way.
Those are some tips and tricks you can do.
First a few things before I end this post.
1.) In each of the described techniques above, don’t forget to remember that everything is energy, and so are you.
2.) Don’t forget to add your intention. You intend to push or pull, or cause a reaction. So don’t forget, but don’t force your intention. It’s more like just understand what you are doing, and why, in a subtle way.
3.) Some extra tips are, try some remote viewing. Extend your mind into another room, and see how much you can see. It has nothing to do with Telekinesis, but it does help your mind get used to these kinds of things. Also, try sensitivity training. When you meditate, just try and sense/feel the energy around you. In the floor, in the walls, in the air. It helps you a lot. Also, try to branch out into other things as well. Like Astral projection, Telepathy, Precognition or other forms of kinesis. It will help broaden your mind.
4.) I’m sure your wondering why I left the techniques so scarce with little detail. It’s quite simple. I’m a firm believer in two sayings “The Devil’s in the Details” and “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. Which means, the more someone gets caught up in the details, the more they hang themselves with it. Why do you think there has been success in telekinesis when two or more people can do the same thing and use different techniques? Cause it’s “Not” in the details. The Techniques are just tools to help you along. It’s like a wand for a Witch, Mage or Wizard. The wand itself has no power, it is merely a tool to help focus. Which leads us to saying number 2.
Keep it Simple, Stupid. If you get to hung up on how it’s done, or doing it right, you will lose face, and find yourself lost. It’s not all that complicated, it’s just everyone thinks it is because it takes so long, and sometimes you go a long time without any result. Which leads them to think, they are doing it wrong, which there not, most likely anyways. You just need to practice, and invest yourself in what you are doing. Don’t just think half-heartedly that you want it to move. You got to shoot for the experience itself. Love what your doing it for which ever reason you chose to try.
Well, I guess with that, I’m done with this post.
I hope this helped you out some.
Till next time