Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Skeptic of Telekinesis?

Do you believe in Telekinesis?

I was bored, so i decided to write this post real fast. When it comes to Telekinesis, i find that a lot of people are skeptical. Telekinesis isn't very widely accepted, and is still yet to be proven to most. I can assure you, Telekinesis does exist, even though, if you a skeptic, that might mean nothing to you. When you begin to practice Telekinesis, you are likely you own worst enemy. You probably set out to prove it exists, trying to defeat your skeptic within. It's a long a bumpy road, and you push against the odds, hoping the very next day, will end it all. That tomorrow, will bring forth the evidence you seek, and finally put that nagging voice in the back of head to rest, and maybe shock it with awe.

Unfortunately, it won't vanish in the night, with a single string of successive results. It often pops back up saying things like, it was air, or heat, or something to that effect. And i wont deny that sometimes, that might be the case, but not always.

If it starts moving and doesn't really stop, check for drafts. Place your hands next to it and see if you can feel any sensation of wind. Or, you could just cover it with a glass bowl if you like to prevent it. If you do prefer to keep it uncovered in the beginning, that's fine. I would actually suggest you don't to begin with anyways, as it has a tendency to play mind games with you. The glass feeling as if directly prevents any Telekinesis to get through. You can still do it, but it's mostly a mind game.

In fact most people don't realize just how much of a mind game Telekinesis really is. It is very much facing yourself, and opening your mind up to newer, and different ideas that you aren't already used to. It's kind of like camping now that i think about it. Do you remember the first time you when camping, or (If you haven't went camping) staying at your friends house for the first time. All a sudden, you can hear noises, and movements abroad that seem to put you in a more, tense state. It's sort of the same effect.

Anyways, back to skepticism. Once you managed to achieve results, and you are 100%, or close to 100% sure you have done Telekinesis. You now must face external skeptics. You'll probably run into them in some form on your journey from the very beginning though. Most of the time, when they speak out against Telekinesis, their rebuttal is often flat, lacking any scientific backing to their claim. Something like "Telekinesis just doesn't exist" or "If it did exist, how come science hasn't discovered it yet". Well, my first thought and suggestion to them is, just ignore them. Ignorance will remain blissful for them.

But, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to reply, which isn't likely, or just decide you want to retort, which is more likely, and i have been victim to as well. Say something like, "Science has discovered it. Ever heard of Quantum Physics? They have proven that the mind interacts with matter. A good example would be the Measurement Problem. Look it up". At this point, one of two things will happen depending on your skeptic. The debate will die after he/she says something like, "I will!" or they will ignore it and continue their mindless assault. Those are the worst. Your best bet would be to either ignore them, which i suggest, strongly. Or, kick their ass.

Telekinesis is a controversial subject unfortunately, and though it has been proven, and even science knows it exists, it hasn't reached mainstream society yet. So you must be patient. At the end of the day, the only skeptic you must truly defeat, is yourself. Don't let a skeptic drag you down. It is you who is truly interested in your own potential, you who is putting in the work to see for your self. Not letting someone else hand feed you information, and you take it without question. You, unlike them, will discover your true potential.

And if you really want a laugh over it. Go home that night, and move something with Telekinesis.

Till next time.

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