Monday, January 4, 2010

Telekinesis Introduction

Introduction to Learn Telekinesis

If you’re interested in learning how to do Telekinesis, this is a great place to start. Telekinesis ( also known as Psychokinesis, or Mind over Matter ) is something I’ve been at for a while, and decided I would create a blog to share what I know about the subject. I’ve talked to many people over the years, and have acquired several key components to Telekinesis as well. It is more then just staring really hard at something, hoping for it to move. But if you are serious about learning Telekinesis, then I will do my best to provide the information you need in order to develop it.

You may find I talk about subjects that don’t seem related to Telekinesis, but I assure you, they are. Telekinesis is a very natural phenomena, that can be learned like any other skill. It’s not acquired through special means, or is something only gifted people have. It is accessible to anyone. Patience and Persistence are your greatest weapons in this journey of finding the hidden powers within you, use them well.

Some of the subjects that will be covered here:

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Your Perception of the World

How Quantum Physics relates to Telekinesis

Meditation and how to access your Higher Potential

The basic Techniques involved and how to do them

Explaining how Telekinesis is a Lifestyle

[Note] Don't forget to use the Search-bar on the side to help you find something, or you can cruise through the archives just below the Search-bar.

Telekinesis isn’t something developed overnight, so please, while reading, remember that this will take time. It is a huge adjustment to your frame of thinking as well as how you perceive the world around you. For those who just want information, this is a great place, I’ll do my best to list everything that might interest you about Telekinesis. And for those who are interested in it’s practice, I’ll try to cover all the techniques and include as many tips as I can to make this journey for you as smooth as possible.

Also, for everyone interested in the subject, remember, I am only one source. You should accumulate as much information as possible from multiple different sources. Buy a few books, and visit different sites for more information. The more the better. I’ll list some of the places I have found to have useful information as well to make it easier. Also, remember to take everything you read with a grain of salt. It is just that persons opinion, and this does not exclude this Blog.

You should be trying to educate yourself. Don’t take anything anyone has to say too seriously, and don’t hold up what any one person has to say as if it where the ultimate truth. There is always more then one way to do something. Remember that at the end of the day, you get to choose what you believe in and why. You have the power, and no one can take it away from you. Remember that.

Also, a note about me. I’ll use examples to try and better convey what I mean, as well as try and throw in a few jokes from time to time to make things flow a little more easily. As reading pure information is sometimes boring, especially when it gets so technical.

So, with all that said, I guess it would be time to begin.

And I hope you enjoy the read…

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